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CRUD - Create - C++ SDK

On this page

  • Write Transactions
  • Create a New Object
  • Create an Object
  • Create an Embedded Object
  • Create an Object with a To-One Relationship
  • Create an Object with a To-Many Relationship
  • Create an Object with an Inverse Relationship
  • Create an Object with a Map Property
  • Create an Object with a Set Property
  • Create an Asymmetric Object

Realm uses a highly efficient storage engine to persist objects. You can create objects in a realm, update objects in a realm, and eventually delete objects from a realm. Because these operations modify the state of the realm, we call them writes.

Realm handles writes in terms of transactions. A transaction is a list of read and write operations that Realm treats as a single indivisible operation. In other words, a transaction is all or nothing: either all of the operations in the transaction succeed or none of the operations in the transaction take effect.

All writes must happen in a transaction.

A realm allows only one open transaction at a time. Realm blocks other writes on other threads until the open transaction is complete. Consequently, there is no race condition when reading values from the realm within a transaction.

When you are done with your transaction, Realm either commits it or cancels it:

  • When Realm commits a transaction, Realm writes all changes to disk. For synced realms, the SDK queues the change for synchronization with Atlas Device Sync.

  • When Realm cancels a write transaction or an operation in the transaction causes an error, all changes are discarded (or "rolled back").

To create an object, you must instantiate it using the realm namespace. Move the object into the realm using the Realm.add() function inside of a write transaction.

When you move an object into a realm, this consumes the object as an rvalue. You must use the managed object for any data access or observation. In this example, copying the dog object into the realm consumes it as an rvalue. You can return the managed object to continue to work with it.

// Create an object using the `realm` namespace.
auto dog = realm::Dog{.name = "Rex", .age = 1};
std::cout << "dog: " << << "\n";
// Open the database with compile-time schema checking.
auto config = realm::db_config();
auto realm = realm::db(std::move(config));
// Persist your data in a write transaction
// Optionally return the managed object to work with it immediately
auto managedDog = realm.write([&] { return realm.add(std::move(dog)); });

For more information about modeling an object, refer to: Define a New Object Type.

namespace realm {
struct Dog {
std::string name;
int64_t age;
REALM_SCHEMA(Dog, name, age)
} // namespace realm

To create an embedded object, assign the raw pointer of the embedded object to a parent object's property. Move the parent object into the realm using the Realm.add() function inside of a write transaction.

In this example, we assign the raw pointer of the embedded object - ContactDetails * - to the embedded object property of the parent object - Business.contactDetails.

Then, we add the business object to the realm. This copies the business and contactDetails objects to the realm.

Because ContactDetails is an embedded object, it does not have its own lifecycle independent of the main Business object. If you delete the Business object, this also deletes the ContactDetails object.

auto config = realm::db_config();
auto realm = realm::db(std::move(config));
auto contactDetails = realm::ContactDetails{
.emailAddress = "", .phoneNumber = "123-456-7890"};
auto business = realm::Business();
business._id = realm::object_id::generate(); = "MongoDB";
business.contactDetails = &contactDetails;
realm.write([&] { realm.add(std::move(business)); });

For more information about modeling an embedded object, refer to: Define an Embedded Object.

namespace realm {
struct ContactDetails {
// Because ContactDetails is an embedded object, it cannot have its own _id
// It does not have a lifecycle outside of the top-level object
std::string emailAddress;
std::string phoneNumber;
REALM_EMBEDDED_SCHEMA(ContactDetails, emailAddress, phoneNumber)
struct Business {
realm::object_id _id;
std::string name;
ContactDetails *contactDetails;
REALM_SCHEMA(Business, _id, name, contactDetails)
} // namespace realm

To create an object with a to-one relationship to another object, assign the raw pointer of the related object to the relationship property of the main object. Move the object into the realm using the Realm.add() function inside of a write transaction.

In this example, we assign the raw pointer of the related object - FavoriteToy * - to the relationship property of the main object - Dog.favoriteToy. Then, when we add the dog object to the realm, this copies both the dog and favoriteToy to the realm.

The related favoriteToy object has its own lifecycle independent of the main dog object. If you delete the main object, the related object remains.

auto config = realm::db_config();
auto realmInstance = realm::db(std::move(config));
auto favoriteToy = realm::FavoriteToy{
._id = realm::uuid("68b696c9-320b-4402-a412-d9cee10fc6a5"),
.name = "Wubba"};
auto dog = realm::Dog{
._id = realm::uuid("68b696d7-320b-4402-a412-d9cee10fc6a3"),
.name = "Lita",
.age = 10,
.favoriteToy = &favoriteToy};
realmInstance.write([&] { realmInstance.add(std::move(dog)); });

You can optionally create an inverse relationship to refer to the main object from the related object. For more information, refer to: Create an Object with an Inverse Relationship.

For more information about modeling a to-one relationship, refer to: Define a To-One Relationship.

struct FavoriteToy {
realm::primary_key<realm::uuid> _id;
std::string name;
REALM_SCHEMA(FavoriteToy, _id, name)
struct Dog {
realm::primary_key<realm::uuid> _id;
std::string name;
int64_t age;
// Define a relationship as a link to another SDK object
FavoriteToy* favoriteToy;
REALM_SCHEMA(Dog, _id, name, age, favoriteToy)

To create an object with a to-many relationship to one or more objects:

  • Initialize the main object and the related objects

  • Use the push_back member function available to the Realm object lists to append the raw pointers of the related objects to the main object's list property

  • Move the object into the realm using the Realm.add() function inside of a write transaction.

In this example, we append the raw pointers of the related objects - Employee * - to the relationship property of the main object - Company.employees. This creates a one-way connection from the Company object to the Employee objects.

Then, we add the Company to the realm. This copies the Company and Employee objects to the realm.

The related Employee objects have their own lifecycle independent of the main Company object. If you delete the main object, the related objects remain.

auto config = realm::db_config();
auto realmInstance = realm::db(std::move(config));
auto employee1 = realm::Employee{
._id = 23456, .firstName = "Pam", .lastName = "Beesly"};
auto employee2 = realm::Employee{
._id = 34567, .firstName = "Jim", .lastName = "Halpert"};
auto company =
realm::Company{._id = 45678, .name = "Dunder Mifflin"};
// Use the `push_back` member function available to the
// `ListObjectPersistable<T>` template to append `Employee` objects to
// the `Company` `employees` list property.
realmInstance.write([&] { realmInstance.add(std::move(company)); });

You can optionally create an inverse relationship to refer to the main object from the related object. For more information, refer to: Create an Object with an Inverse Relationship.

For more information about modeling a to-many relationship, refer to: Define a To-Many Relationship.

namespace realm {
struct Employee {
realm::primary_key<int64_t> _id;
std::string firstName;
std::string lastName;
// You can use this property as you would any other member
// Omitting it from the schema means the SDK ignores it
std::string jobTitle_notPersisted;
// The REALM_SCHEMA omits the `jobTitle_notPersisted` property
// The SDK does not store and cannot retrieve a value for this property
REALM_SCHEMA(Employee, _id, firstName, lastName)
} // namespace realm
struct Company {
int64_t _id;
std::string name;
// To-many relationships are a list, represented here as a
// vector container whose value type is the SDK object
// type that the list field links to.
std::vector<Employee*> employees;
REALM_SCHEMA(Company, _id, name, employees)

To create an object with a inverse relationship to another object, assign the raw pointer of the related object to the relationship property of the main object. Move the object into the realm using the Realm.add() function inside of a write transaction.

In this example, we create two Person objects that each have a to-one relationship to the same Dog object. The Dog has an inverse relationship to each Person object. The inverse relationship backlink is automatically updated when a linked Person object updates its Dog relationship.

auto config = realm::db_config();
auto realm = realm::db(std::move(config));
auto dog = realm::Dog{.name = "Bowser"};
auto [jack, jill] = realm.write([&realm]() {
auto person =
realm::Person{.name = "Jack", .age = 27, .dog = nullptr};
realm::Person person2; = "Jill";
person2.age = 28; = nullptr;
return realm.insert(std::move(person), std::move(person2));
realm.write([&dog, jack = &jack]() { jack->dog = &dog; });
// After assigning `&dog` to jack's `dog` property,
// the backlink automatically updates to reflect
// the inverse relationship through the dog's `owners`
// property
CHECK(>owners.size() == 1);
realm.write([&dog, jill = &jill]() { jill->dog = &dog; });
// After assigning the same `&dog` to jill's `dog`
// property, the backlink automatically updates
CHECK(>owners.size() == 2);
CHECK(>owners.size() == 2);
// Removing the relationship from the parent object
// automatically updates the inverse relationship
realm.write([jack = &jack]() { jack->dog = nullptr; });
CHECK( == nullptr);
CHECK(>owners.size() == 1);

For more information about modeling an inverse relationship, refer to: Define an Inverse Relationship.

struct Dog;
struct Person {
realm::primary_key<int64_t> _id;
std::string name;
int64_t age = 0;
Dog* dog;
REALM_SCHEMA(Person, _id, name, age, dog)
struct Dog {
realm::primary_key<int64_t> _id;
std::string name;
int64_t age = 0;
linking_objects<&Person::dog> owners;
REALM_SCHEMA(Dog, _id, name, age, owners)

When you create an object that has a map property, you can set the values for keys in a few ways:

  • Set keys and values on the object and then add the object to the realm

  • Set the object's keys and values directly inside a write transaction

auto config = realm::db_config();
auto realm = realm::db(std::move(config));
auto employee = realm::Employee{
._id = 8675309, .firstName = "Tommy", .lastName = "Tutone"};
employee.locationByDay = {
{"Monday", realm::Employee::WorkLocation::HOME},
{"Tuesday", realm::Employee::WorkLocation::OFFICE},
{"Wednesday", realm::Employee::WorkLocation::HOME},
{"Thursday", realm::Employee::WorkLocation::OFFICE}};
realm.write([&] {
employee.locationByDay["Friday"] = realm::Employee::WorkLocation::HOME;

Realm disallows the use of . or $ characters in map keys. You can use percent encoding and decoding to store a map key that contains one of these disallowed characters.

// Percent encode . or $ characters to use them in map keys
auto mapKey = "Monday.Morning";
auto encodedMapKey = "Monday%2EMorning";

For more information about supported map data types, refer to: Map/Dictionary.

namespace realm {
struct Employee {
enum class WorkLocation { HOME, OFFICE };
int64_t _id;
std::string firstName;
std::string lastName;
std::map<std::string, WorkLocation> locationByDay;
REALM_SCHEMA(Employee, _id, firstName, lastName, locationByDay)
} // namespace realm

You can create objects that contain set properties as you would any Realm object, but you can only mutate a set property within a write transaction. This means you can only set the value(s) of a set property within a write transaction.

auto realm = realm::db(std::move(config));
// Create an object that has a set property
auto docsRealmRepo =
realm::Repository{.ownerAndName = "mongodb/docs-realm"};
// Add the object to the database and get the managed object
auto managedDocsRealm =
realm.write([&]() { return realm.add(std::move(docsRealmRepo)); });
// Insert items into the set
auto openPullRequestNumbers = {3059, 3062, 3064};
realm.write([&] {
for (auto number : openPullRequestNumbers) {
// You can only mutate the set in a write transaction.
// This means you can't set values at initialization,
// but must do it during a write.

For more information about supported set data types, refer to: Set.

namespace realm {
struct Repository {
std::string ownerAndName;
std::set<int64_t> openPullRequestNumbers;
REALM_SCHEMA(Repository, ownerAndName, openPullRequestNumbers)
} // namespace realm

You can create an asymmetric object that syncs unidirectionally via Data Ingest to the Atlas database linked to your Atlas App Services App. You cannot access an asymmetric object locally, remove it from a realm, or query for it.

auto weatherSensorReading =
realm::WeatherSensorReading{.deviceId = "WX1278UIT",
.temperatureInFahrenheit = 64.7,
.windSpeedInMph = 7};
realm.write([&] { realm.add(std::move(weatherSensorReading)); });

For more information about working with asymmetric objects, refer to Stream Data to Atlas - C++ SDK.

For more information about defining an asymmetric object, refer to: Define an Asymmetric Object.

struct WeatherSensorReading {
realm::primary_key<realm::object_id> _id{realm::object_id::generate()};
std::string deviceId;
double temperatureInFahrenheit;
int64_t windSpeedInMph;
REALM_ASYMMETRIC_SCHEMA(WeatherSensorReading, _id, deviceId,
temperatureInFahrenheit, windSpeedInMph)